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Understanding your office and your options - A guide from Kontor during COVID-19 times

Offices are typically one of the biggest outgoings for businesses and it is important to understand what options are available to you. Whether you are looking to reduce costs or add flexibility to your office space commitments.

If you find yourself having some extra time on your hands and want to get a head start with your future office move, this might be the perfect opportunity and will allow you to focus on other business activities for the future.

Below are some pointers to understand your options, whether you are in month-to-month coworking or a long-term office lease. Our team of experts are always here to give you more in-depth advice... You can book a call with them here.

  • Are you in the middle of your contract and want to understand the options that are available to you to reduce your costs? There might be a pause, break or early termination clause in there…

  • Have some spare desks in your office? We can share it with our network to see if anyone requires any short-term solutions, which can give you access to additional income.

  • Coming to the end of your lease or licence? We can either try and renegotiate your terms with your landlord/provider to make sure you are still on the best possible deal or pre-agree space for in a few months’ time so you know you have an office to go back to.

  • Is your new lease likely to face fit-out delays? Interim flexible space may be your answer!

  • Have someone in your team who cannot work from home? We can provide you information on spaces, both throughout London and out of town office.

  • Needing some advice for anyone working from home? Some tips and tricks on WFH from the Kontor gang ..

  • Any other things we can help you with? Find our tips on moving offices.

Are you in the middle of your contract and want to understand the options that are available to you to reduce your costs?

You can find an overview of typical clauses that you might find in your contract in our handy blog here.

Have some spare desks in your office?

If additional income interests you, we can look within our network to see if anyone needs a few desks to work from, once social distancing has been relaxed.

We can review your alienation rights under your lease to make sure everything you are doing is above board.

Other companies may be thinking of having a smaller office, so we could look to merge two teams into one space and allow the other space to be vacated and resold or subleased to minimise outgoings, depending on what is possible according to your contract.

Coming to the end of your lease or licence?

This is where Kontor can really work our magic for you.

If you want to stay in the same office, we are here to review your terms with your landlord/provider to ensure you are on the best possible deal.

If you are looking for a more cost-effective space, we can provide you with an overview of spaces available at different price points.

Flexibility is likely to be key, given the more uncertain climate. Often during times like these we see companies increasing their proportion of flexible office space in their real estate portfolio.

Finally, if you will need an office, but the WFH measures mean that you won’t need it immediately, we can pre-agree space to move in a few months’ time, so you know you have an office to go back to and get the team together again..

Is your new lease likely to face fit-out delays?

Not a problem - we can help you find a solution.

Flexible space providers can offer fitted, ready made offices to temporarily house the team whilst your new HQ is being completed and with there being over 700 flexible spaces across London, we can find a spot that won't be too much of a disturbance to your staff’s commute.

Have someone in your team who cannot work from home?

We can provide information on several office spaces throughout London that are keeping their doors open and those outside of London that will be closer to your employees’ homes and can reduce any commuting requirements. All spaces that are open are following the government guidelines on social distancing.

Needing some advice for anyone working from home?

We can also help the team who can work from home with our playlists which you can find on Spotify, some amazing yoga classes with our yoga teacher Jess Learoyd on Instagram and lunchclub catch-ups to maximise networking in these virtual times, just drop us a note!

Any other things we can help you with? 

Moving out of your office and seeing what’s next? Check out our piece on Moving Offices and the pain points you may find with some handy tips from moving pros (Us… we’ve moved five times in six years).

Want to know more?

Let's chat! You can call us on +44 020 3770 4279 or email hello@kontor.com

Thinking of moving office?

We'd love to help you smash this awesome milestone.